Art interior design - Studio Decor Park Zodchy

Art interior design

Historically accurate interior implies proportional combining of details in unique composition in which every element is on the right place. Put away one element— and harmony will fall apart like a house of cards. That’s why it’s necessary to entrust interior artwork decoration to professionals, who’s able to observe balance of richness and canonical principles of the chosen style. Customers will find correct support and services by experts in out studio.

Interior artwork decoration

We will create for you truly elite interior — which is based on centuries-old traditions, comfortable and well-designed. Designers will select every element so they can continue each other and «play» together. We will implement interior artwork interior of the walls, ceilings, modeling and installation of stucco work, gilding and others works without third party interference.

Turning to us customers get all the range of services from one source by studio’s own staff. We will bring your wishes to life keeping in mind our wide experience, field-specialized education. We will decorate the room in the way recognized masters of the past did it.

Еще больше изображений

    Staircase in a country mansion with painting and gilding
    Monochrome alfrey painting decorated the stairs of the house
    Empire style marble staircase with gilding and painting
    Gilding in the decoration of the stairs of a country mansion
    Classic hall of a country residence
    Stained glass ceiling in the residence
    Double-lighted space in the residence
    Bedroom in a neoclassical style in burgundy color
    Handcrafted furniture with gilding and decorative details
    Gorgeous curtains in the neoclassical bedroom
    Burgundy color in the decoration of the bedroom in the neoclassical style
    Hall decoration with stucco and painting grisaille
    Hall decoration with stucco and painting grisaille
    Desudeport painting in the style of grisaille
    Painting in the Empire style in the interior of the hall
    Stucco desudeports in decorating door portals
    Bathroom decorated with marble
    Expensive bathroom interior decorated with marble
    Mediterranean style dining room
    Light dining room decorated in Mediterranean style
    Dining room with paintings and exclusive stucco

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Historically accurate interior implies proportional combining of details in unique composition
Added 16.08.17