Types of Works

Art painting of walls in the interior of the kitchen

Art wall mural is an exquisite decorative technique that will help to underscore, stylistic orientation of the interior, to attract the viewers’ attention to the key point and finish design concept successfully. Artists of our studio are willing to create an extensive panel-painting in the customer’s apartment or house, decorate the rooms with different elements that link decoration. We use different techniques to express customer’s wishes in exactly matching his tastes and historically authentic images. Such as: polychromic wall mural in the kitchen: multicolored and complex, it’s relevant the interior with high drama, rich and expressive visual tools and in baroque, the Rococo, Mediterranean or oriental style; monochromatic alfresco wall mural for the kitchen. Single color transitions complement a strict style room (the Empire style, Art Deco) or a discreet neoclassic interior; grisaille with imitation of sculptural or architectural elements; such art wall mural matches with gilding and can be a part of composition.
Fragment of art wall mural in the kitchen
We will make illusive panel-painting that simulates Greek landscapes, sunny terraces or gardens with lush flowers. Artists know how to work in boiserie technique. They can put ornament or picture on a wooden surface. Art wall mural for the kitchen should be not only durable and waterproof but also visually balanced and harmonious. We work closely with historical prototypes from the different ages. We know how panel-painting and ornaments should look and where and how it’s relevant to use them. Decorators use visual images inherent to the style, choose the size, richness of the elements in the way to make a single and comfortable space and to make it understandable and interesting.
If you like modern design style or classicism, baroque or other ages, we will reliable put them in the present without any errors. Artists can сorrect deficiencies of the rooms; mural will hide protruding structural elements, decorate niche or balance room geometry. In our work we strictly maintain confidentiality. We demonstrate pictures of finished examples only with the written consent of the customer.

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Art wall mural for kitchen should be balanced and harmonious
Added 17.08.17