Types of Works

Classicism in the interior

The school of classicism has emerged under influence of baroque and antiquity, to which artists and architects turned again in XVIII-XIX centuries. However, there are no such a tense and dramatic splendor — it was replaced by pure harmony of symmetrical lines and « expensive simplicity ». Design in classicism is a tool to achieve logical rigor, visual brevity. It’s functional and noble at the same time.

The project of painting the ceiling in the style of classicism

Proportionality and compatibility of decorative elements among themselves has a great importance in creating the space that is constant with the age. Classicism in the interior design is thoroughness in the selection of stucco work from our base, murals, placement of accessories accents. Decorators of the studio know how all the elements should look and how combine them in the room. We correctly use palette of saturated colors, heavy window and furniture textile, balancing them visually with light lamps, stucco work and gilded details to recreate classicism, baroque or ампир,. When you cooperate with us, you work with professionals, who know how to create a historically accurate interior.

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Classicism in the interior design is thoroughness in the selection of stucco work from our base, murals, placement of accessories accents.
Added 17.08.17